Monday, December 17, 2012
Saya Hijabista-Penjenamaan Wanita Muslimah
Saya Hijabista-Penjenamaan Wanita Muslimah
oleh KD Ismalasari
Sebagai seorang muslimah, menjadi hijabista bukanlah satu pilihan malah ia adalah satu tanggungjawab yang perlu diambil serius . Berhijab bukanlah kerana saya seorang yang alim, tetapi berhijab kerana saya seorang Muslimah. Berhijab bukan juga kerana fesyen, berhijab kerana perintah Pencipta yang agung, yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik buat hambaNya. Maka adalah tanggungjawab kita memberi representasi yang sebaiknya melalui segala serbi agar keindahan Islam itu terserlah melaui penampilan hijabista yang santun namun tegas, yang lembut namun keras, yang sopan namun tangkas, yang merendah diri namun berkeyakinan tinggi, yang bijak mindanya, dan berani tindakannya namun setiap satu tindakan berlandaskan Al-Quran dan Sunnah. Hijabista itu bukan setakat stailo pada fizikalnya, tetapi turut stailo dari segi pertuturannya, pemilihan katanya, pembawakan dirinya, nilai-nilai yang dipegangnya, pemikirannya malahan emosinya. Semuanya membentuk penjenamaan wanita Muslimah.
Apakah itu Penjenamaan Diri
Allah itu Maha Hebat. Allah itu Maha Mengetahui betapa pentingnya penjenamaan diri bagi menaikkan nilai seseorang hambaNya dan keseluruhan ummah secara amnya. Jika dilihat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sebelum diangkat menjadi nabi dan rasul lagi, baginda sudah amat dikenali dengan gelaran Al-Amin. Gelaran itu sungguh sinonim dengan baginda kerana apabila orang ingat Al-Amin (jujur dan amanah) maka orang akan ingat baginda. Kewibawaan, kejujuran dan ketelusan baginda, memberi kredibiliti yang menarik ramai pelanggan.
Bukan itu sahaja, kerana penjenamaan diri yang hebat itu, kadar bayaran untuk perkhidmatan baginda menguruskan perniagaan juga adalah pada kadar yang lebih tinggi, namun pelanggan beliau tidak kisah untuk membayar kerana mereka tahu, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pasti akan memberi mereka pulangan yang berganda-ganda berbanding apa yang dilaburkan. Maka melalui penjenamaan yang kuat itu juga, baginda menarik jodohnya dengan seorang wanita bangsawan yang jelita dan berharta serta berkedudukan tinggi. Bukan baginda yang mencari, tetapi jodoh itu datang menawarkan perniagaan serta dirinya sendiri. Itulah Khadijah a.s srikandi Islam yang agung, model contoh Hijabista yang unggul!
Jika kita ingat sesuatu jenama seperti McDonald contohnya, apakah perkataan atau benda yang akan anda kaitkan dengannya? Bagaimana pula jika saya sebut KFC? Apa pula yang akan dikaitkan dengan KFC? Sudah pasti anda akan mengatakan McDonald = fastfood/burger manakala KFC = Ayam Goreng. Jelas bukan? Itu adalah penjenamaan yang kuat kerana dengan jelas kita boleh memahami apa itu KFC dan apa itu McDonald, apa yang mereka tawarkan juga sangat jelas walaupun kedua-duanya adalah restoren makanan segera. Jika saya tanya antara McDonald dan KFC yang mana lebih menjadi pilihan? Saya pasti ramai di antara anda akan menjawab McDonaldlah. Maka jenama McDonald lebih kuat berbanding KFC.
Jadi bagaimana pula dengan orang? Bagaimana penjenamaan mereka terbentuk? Baik mari kita berbalik kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tadi. Apabila kita berfikir tentang Nabi Muhammad s.a.w, apa yang terlintas di minda kita? Rasul akhir zaman, seorang nabi, seorang pemimpin Islam yang agung, seorang yang amanah, jujur dan baik hati, seorang yang lengkap peribadinya. Jika memikirkan tentang bekas pemimpin negara, Tun Mahathir Mohamed, apa yang anda fikirkan? Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang keempat, seorang yang berpandangan jauh, sinonim dengan Wawasan 2020, KLCC, bijak dan tinggi intelek, lantang bersuara dan pemimpin yang hebat.
Maka penjenamaan diri itu adalah label yang berikan oleh orang kepada kita, tidak dapat dielakkan tetapi kita boleh mengurus penjenamaan diri kita dan mempengaruhi tanggapan orang ramai melalui penjenamaan diri yang berkesan. Penjenamaan diri juga adalah satu perjanjian nilai (values). Jika kita lihat pada Tun Mahathir, penjanjian nilai beliau sangat jelas sebagai seorang pemimpin yang berwawasan tinggi, direalisasi dengan kereta nasional Malaysia dan pembinaan KLCC.
Identiti Visual
Sesuatu penjenamaan tidak dapat lari dari imej atau visual yang dikaitkan dengannya. Setiap jenama ada identiti visualnya sendiri. Begitu juga dengan penjenamaan diri.
Kita akan buat eksperimen disini. Saya mahu anda tutup mata seketika dan bayangkan seekor gajah. Buka mata. Adakah anda nampak seekor gajah atau anda nampak perkataan ‘gajah’? Saya yakin majoriti pembaca telah nampak fizikal gajah dan bukannya ejaan ‘gajah’. Itu membuktikan manusia berfikir dengan gambar.
Jadi, jika kita fikir KFC, apakah imej yang muncul di minda anda? Ayam, Colonel Sanders, dan logo KFC itu sendiri. Oleh sebab itulah setiap perniagaan memiliki logo kerana ia adalah representasi visual perniagaan tersebut. Disitulah pelanggan akan melakukan perkaitan perniagaan dengan imej diminda mereka.
Bila kita fikirkan tentang penyanyi Yuna, imej gadis Melayu bertudung akan muncul. Bila kita fikirkan JLO, imej pertama yang terlintas adalah seorang penyanyi wanita Hispanik yang seksi dan berpunggung montok sehingga imej itu turut diabadikan pada rekaan botol pewangi jenama beliau.
Oleh kerana itu juga Islam amat menitik beratkan panduan berpakaian kerana ia adalah identiti visual yang akan membentuk tanggapan pertama orang ramai mengenai Islam dan nilai-nilai yang dipegang oleh penganutnya.
Jika kita memikirkan tentang muslimah, imej pertama yang akan muncul sudah pasti seorang wanita bertudung, kerana muslimah itu adalah wanita Islam dan panduan berpakaian Islam adalah yang menutup aurat agar terpelihara, dihormati, kelihatan sopan dan tinggi harga dirinya. Jika kita memikirkan seorang hijabista, sudah terang lagi bersuluh, sudah pasti seorang wanita atau gadis yang bertudung juga. Jika dia tidak berhijab, tidak bolehlah digelar ‘hijabista’.
Seorang penganut ‘Sikh’ akan dikenali melalui turbannya sehinggakan bila beruniform pun turban itu tidak akan ditanggalkan. Begitulah kuatnya pegangan mereka. Jika seorang Muslimah tidak menutup aurat, kita tidak akan jelas yang dia beragama Islam sehinggalah kita bergaul atau berkawan dengannya kerana Muslimah itu tidak semestinya berbangsa Melayu atau Arab sahaja. Apabila kita berhijab lengkap, kita menyampaikan mesej yang kita beragama Islam, kita bangga dengan agama kita, kita wanita terhormat, tidak boleh diperlakukan sewenang-wenangnya, kita ada maruah dan kita wanita berakhlak.
Berhijab itu adalah tuntutan agama kerana ia adalah lambang kesucian Islam. Sebagai ‘hijabista’ kita adalah iklan bergerak buat Islam, kita adalah duta agama dan tanggungjawab itu perlu dilaksanakan dengan sebaiknya. Perlu diingat, janganlah berhijab semata untuk berfesyen atau bertudung tetapi tidak disertakan dengan adab-adabnya kerana ia akan memberikan gambaran yang kurang baik buat Islam. Boleh bergaya tetapi ikutlah batasnya. Bila bergaya, perhatikan juga penggayaan dari segala serbi, komunikasi kita (termasuklah di laman sosial), kawalan emosi kita, tingkah laku kita dan kekuatan minda kita.
Hijab Saya, Jenama Saya
Lauren Booth (seorang aktivis Palestin, wartawan Inggeris dan kakak ipar kepada bekas Perdana Menteri Britain Tony Blair, yang telah memeluk Islam) sewaktu lawatannya ke Malaysia pada tahun 2010, pernah berkata,
“My Hijab is My Brand!”
“Hijab Saya, Jenama Saya!”
Hijab itulah penjenamaan wanita Muslimah. Pakailah ia dengan yakin, berani dan bangga.
Marilah sama-sama kita berdiri dan dengan rasa kesyukuran berkata,
“Saya Hijabista, Hijab Saya, Jenama Saya!”
Teruskan semangat ‘hijabista’ di dalam diri anda dan serlahkannya dengan penuh keyakinan.
Friday, November 2, 2012
I truly believe YOU ARE YOUR CAPITAL!
I heard many times from friends, associates, ex-colleagues, students, etc:
I heard many times from friends, associates, ex-colleagues, students, etc:
'I want to do business but I don't have the capital, I don't have the cash...'
'I hate my job, I wish I could quit and stay home with my kids, but the money doesn't allow it!'
'In the dream world, I would love to go globetrotting, spend on things I like without having to worry about money...'
Well, my answers would be, why don't you?
'I'm just not as brave as you...'
The money, the capital is not the problem. Your fear is holding you back. The truth is we all have fears. My fears still hold me back or delay me from doing stuff. The real capital that you've forgotten is yourself. The capital is YOU!
'I'm just not as brave as you...'
The money, the capital is not the problem. Your fear is holding you back. The truth is we all have fears. My fears still hold me back or delay me from doing stuff. The real capital that you've forgotten is yourself. The capital is YOU!
I dare say this because I've done many businesses in my life and most of the times, I have been the capital. If I don't have enough money to start, I will attract the people who will invest in me or basically I'll just start with what I have. My mouth.
Yes, my mouth! The Malays have a saying "Modal air liur, je!" meaning your saliva is the only capital you need.
A lot of my mentors would say, "Open mouth, open shop!"
So true, all you have to do is just share your knowledge, your expertise, your advice, your skills, with your world, not the world, but your world to begin with: your friends, your neighbors, your relatives, your siblings, etc.
What I usually do, if I have a product to offer, I will share about it. Sharing is caring, through sharing we share our values, we share our belief, our passion, our care and in the process we sell ourselves. I won't lock my money in stock. I take orders, I conduct workshops, I provide solutions.
If your skill and passion is baking, so you share on that. You share your skill (or your cake). No money to buy oven well, steam it then, use the pot or borrow somebody's oven. Give free testing & collect orders.That's what my mom did, and she got a total of 5 cake orders in one day! You are providing solutions by producing quality, great tasting no skimming on ingredients cakes and pastries. Maybe teach others how to bake the cake. Use your kitchen to start teaching.
When I don't have makeup to conduct my Brand Image hands-on workshop, I get good Makeup company (the company and product has to be good because it'll reflect my personal brand value on quality) to sponsor the make-up. In return, I provide values to the company by sharing and endorsing their great products, I share values with my clients by giving them a hands-on experience, how to skills that they can use immediately to improve their lives (instead of just merely a demo), they get to buy good, quality products to solve their daily needs and the company make money from there, gets exposure and I make money from sharing my expertise. Now, I'm partnering with FM Cosmetics and MAKNA (the cancer foundation) for my next workshop sessions, where you can learn how to become a Personal Color & Makeup Coach yourself, which I'll announce later in my next post on this blog.
What else could be your skills? Teaching English? Start coaching people on how to speak English. Many people especially in Malaysia have challenges communicating in English. Offer you service, start coaching adults. You can charge higher fees rather than just conducting tuition for exam preparation for kids. You can conduct your coaching even in a cafe or Starbucks or Kinokuniya Bookstore Cafe in KLCC where you can be surrounded with so many reference books. So see, you don't need a lot to start, you start with yourself, you start with what you have.
Okay, now you probably think, hey, what about marketing? Use YOUR MOUTH (for a start)! That's a better way to use the mouth than just gossiping isn't it? Share with everyone you meet what you do. Don't be afraid to share. You're only sharing. Stop thinking you're not good enough, or you're not slim enough, or not pretty enough, or not competent enough, or not having enough time, or not fit enough, or not having enough money, or just not enough. We have enough! This 'not enough' mindset creates an emotional barrier in our life that blocks our energy system. It's a pattern that we have to break. When there's blockage in our energy system it'll manifest itself into the real world, into our lives in the form of health problem, lack of peace, money drained out although we make a lot, relationship challenges etc.
Allah says, 'Be grateful, and I will give you more'. And more you will receive when you start having gratitude. It forms an abundance feeling inside you, where the feeling will go beyond 'enough' into overflowing. One of late uncles taught me to pray and ask God in this manner:
"Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, grant and bless me with overflowing HALAL abundance till it reaches heaven."
Try it, and instantly feel the overflowing feeling of abundance sweeps right through you. At the end, that is our ultimate goal, to enter 'Jannah' and meet Allah.
Start networking, join groups, positive groups. You need that support because, there's a lot of negativity out there ready to attack you, when you decide to embark on this journey of 'The Road Less Traveled'! However, it's a journey worth taking, it's a journey of your calling, it's a journey where you began to use YOU (finally!) as the CAPITAL to attract abundance into your life. Abundance doesn't mean just material wealth. Abundance in my personal definition would be the blessings from Allah, who gives peace in our heart, who provides 'enough'ness in our life, who gets rid of our fears and worries, who gives us happiness...true happiness.
The Capital is YOU, and deep within you lies a buried treasure that would be your biggest capital, YOUR HEART. Now, all those sharing I said earlier, would be a waste when it doesn't come from your heart, the birth place of all intentions. Now you know why Allah said to start with your intention.
One of my favorite mentor is my energy wellness mentor, Dr. Ramesh. One thing he taught me was: when I want to breathe, I must breathe from the heart, when I speak, I speak from the heart, when I start a healing treatment with my clients, I must bring my focus to the heart then only begin my action. When I start praying, I pray from the heart.
"Every time," he said, "you must bring your focus to your heart",
and you'll find yourself fully PRESENT, fully involved, fully genuine with sincere intention to bring values to the people you meet. You find yourself, giving your best, you find yourself giving your heart and that's the best feeling of all!
Till next time, stay true to the Muslim Style & Brand!
xoxox-KD Ismalasari
Thursday, November 1, 2012
BRAND THOUGHT: My Journey to Hijabi
Many asked me why I decided to wear the hijab (FINALLY, Alhamdulillah!). They asked,
"Is it because, you've moved to a location that is quite Islamic?"
"Did your husband force you?"
"Oh, I know, because everyone in Bangi wears it, right..?"
"Why now?"
My answer would you usually be very short, "Because.... it's about time,"
I wasn't a hijabi for a long, long time, shamefully speaking. I was at one point, then I took it off, now I'm wearing for good, Insya Allah. May Allah gives me strength to continuously do so.
So, I understand, I totally do, if you haven't cross over yet. I was once in your shoes. I first put the hijab when I went to a religious school in my hometown, Seremban.I was thirteen. I wasn't forced, I did not feel that I was forced. It was a totally voluntary act. Of course it was the school's regulation, but I was happy to oblige.
Despite being okay with it, this other part of me that loves beauty, and fashion and style would somehow questioned my action.
"Did you do it because it was the school's regulation?"
"Are you really doing it for Allah?"
"Are you really ready?"
"Don't you want to still style your hair and wear those gorgeous outfits?"
I looked in magazines or went to the mall and saw gorgeous clothes and began to imagine myself in them. Then, I would remind myself that it's sinful and it's not right and I would question myself again, 'Are you really doing it for Allah?' 'Are you wearing Hijab for the right reason?'.
Well, I continued to wear and having this tug of war in myself for 5 years.
I wore the hijab when I was thirteen and took it off when I was eighteen. I just took it off. I wasn't really sure what happened, I just stepped out of my house that day with my hair uncovered. I said to myself that I want to be totally sure that when I put it on the next time, it wasn't because of anyone, anything or any other reasons other than God. Not the school regulations, not my parents, not my friends, not my siblings, not even my husband can make me if I'm not totally sure that I'm doing it for the right reason. One reason, and only one. Allah.
At times I was really, really over revealing. I'm pretty embarrassed looking back at some of the clothes I put on! See throughs, Bare backs, Sleeveless Spaghetti Straps, tubes, ultra tight body hugging, skirts with high slit, really, what was I thinking!
In that journey of arriving to that feeling of certainty and sincerity, the choice I made of taking the hijab off obviously wasn't the wisest decision. Looking back, I now realize that it had gotten me on a path of lost. I suppose there were people I would not have met (people I wasn't suppose to meet, anyway) if I had my hijab on. There were places, I wouldn't have gone (like the night clubs, etc) if my hijab was still intact. There were things, I would not have committed had I held strong to the command. I was lost and continuously to be on that path for quite a while. Fourteen years to be exact.
Despite of all the sins I've committed, Allah still granted me with so many blessings in my life. I want a great husband who accepts me the way I am, and supports my dreams, Allah granted that. He flew Adam (my hubby) across the continent who proposed to me even without knowing how I looked like. I want to be a business woman. He granted that. I want to run and own a consultancy and language center, that's exactly what He gave me. Then, why oh, why couldn't I just do this simple command that He asked me? Why was it so difficult for me to just put a piece of cloth to cover my hair and my modesty?
Honestly, I really don't know the answer. I wasn't sure what's stopping me from doing so all these while. Maybe I have a subconscious fear that I would not look so nice, or maybe I was afraid that I would take it off again, or I given the sins I've committed, I wouldn't do the hijab justice, or I'm not good enough to wear it, in fact maybe I was afraid that I would tarnish the Muslimah brand and won't be able to represent it well.
Really, up till now, I still was't sure why? One thing I was sure back then is whatever happens, I always have Allah and somehow, some way He will always guide me and show me the way and I never once deny that covering yourself is a compulsory act commanded by Allah.I did not doubt that command nor question it. What I was questioning was my sincerity towards Him.
I wish I hadn't taken that long to put it back on. I wish I hadn't even take it off. I wish others would come to realization much sooner than I was. I wish, I could erase all those 14 years of sinning, I wish I had represented Islam better. I wish...
It was a very routine morning. I went to the office, sat at the table and began going through my schedule and plan for the day. I had Tots' class that day at noon. A week before, I met a trainer and a coach who introduced to us the the real meaning and the success principles behind the Surah Al-Fatihah. His name is Fazrul Ismail. He introduced to us the C.A.S.I.C (Connect, Acknowledge, Serve, Inquire & Choices) concept in Al-Fatihah. His sharing with us triggered my curiosity to learn more about it.That's what I did that morning. Something in me somehow made me go to the book rack and pulled out the book 'Tafsir & Fadhilat Al-Fatihah' by Dr Fatma El Zahra. I had it for quite sometime but I never read it, not even flip through it until that fateful morning.
IHDINASSIRATAL MUSTAQIM-Guide Us on the Straight Path
It's funny how we pray every single time, 5 times a day and we ask God 17 times daily to guide us to the straight path. That's what struck me that morning when I reached that verse. I've asked God all those years through Al-Fatihah to guide me. The funny thing is He did, very, very patiently I believe (when it comes to me) but I chose to turn away from those guidance. I chose to take it off when I was eighteen. So every time recited the Al-Fatihah I was asking Him to guide me, yet when He guided me, I didn't follow, so I thought, how much longer do I want to go astray? The path of lost, the path of His anger!
That morning I read the translation and the Tafsir. Somehow, I felt God's love and mercy. I did not feel His anger. I felt as if He was speaking and addressing me directly. I felt so sad thinking how I neglected His command, how I've ill treated myself, how all the answers I've been looking for is in Al-Fatihah, how ignorant I was despite all the education I received, how small I was. I cried, and cried and cried and cried. I just couldn't stop. Verse 1-7, 17 Times. This is the SECRET. The real SECRET of life.
Then, it was time to get ready for the class. I went up to change my clothes. I said to myself, I'll wear the hijab tomorrow. I looked in the mirror for the last time before going down to the class. That was the point when the voice inside me said,
'You've asked God for the right path, He guided you today and bring you back, why do you still want to disobey?'
It's true, he awakened me that day from my long, dark sleep. This cannot wait till tomorrow, I told myself. I ruffled through some scarves that I already own but never put on. Found one that I liked and immediately wrapped it around my head. For the first time in a long..... time, I felt free. I felt light. I felt liberated, and I felt strong. I felt like a heavy burden was lifted off me. I felt peace.
That day I quickly took a photo of myself to mark the first day of my 'new' look and posted it on FB. My purpose for doing so was to declare to the world, so that I won't go back to my old way, so that I won't back off from my decision. The tremendous support I received was amazing, even from my non Muslim friends! I thank Allah everyday for that extraordinary ordinary morning. The morning He took the time to speak to me. The morning, he brought me back to Siratal mustaqim..
Till then, stay true to your Muslim Style & Brand!
KD Ismalasari
Many asked me why I decided to wear the hijab (FINALLY, Alhamdulillah!). They asked,
"Is it because, you've moved to a location that is quite Islamic?"
"Did your husband force you?"
"Oh, I know, because everyone in Bangi wears it, right..?"
"Why now?"
My answer would you usually be very short, "Because.... it's about time,"
I wasn't a hijabi for a long, long time, shamefully speaking. I was at one point, then I took it off, now I'm wearing for good, Insya Allah. May Allah gives me strength to continuously do so.
So, I understand, I totally do, if you haven't cross over yet. I was once in your shoes. I first put the hijab when I went to a religious school in my hometown, Seremban.I was thirteen. I wasn't forced, I did not feel that I was forced. It was a totally voluntary act. Of course it was the school's regulation, but I was happy to oblige.
Despite being okay with it, this other part of me that loves beauty, and fashion and style would somehow questioned my action.
"Did you do it because it was the school's regulation?"
"Are you really doing it for Allah?"
"Are you really ready?"
"Don't you want to still style your hair and wear those gorgeous outfits?"
I looked in magazines or went to the mall and saw gorgeous clothes and began to imagine myself in them. Then, I would remind myself that it's sinful and it's not right and I would question myself again, 'Are you really doing it for Allah?' 'Are you wearing Hijab for the right reason?'.
Well, I continued to wear and having this tug of war in myself for 5 years.
I wore the hijab when I was thirteen and took it off when I was eighteen. I just took it off. I wasn't really sure what happened, I just stepped out of my house that day with my hair uncovered. I said to myself that I want to be totally sure that when I put it on the next time, it wasn't because of anyone, anything or any other reasons other than God. Not the school regulations, not my parents, not my friends, not my siblings, not even my husband can make me if I'm not totally sure that I'm doing it for the right reason. One reason, and only one. Allah.
At times I was really, really over revealing. I'm pretty embarrassed looking back at some of the clothes I put on! See throughs, Bare backs, Sleeveless Spaghetti Straps, tubes, ultra tight body hugging, skirts with high slit, really, what was I thinking!
In that journey of arriving to that feeling of certainty and sincerity, the choice I made of taking the hijab off obviously wasn't the wisest decision. Looking back, I now realize that it had gotten me on a path of lost. I suppose there were people I would not have met (people I wasn't suppose to meet, anyway) if I had my hijab on. There were places, I wouldn't have gone (like the night clubs, etc) if my hijab was still intact. There were things, I would not have committed had I held strong to the command. I was lost and continuously to be on that path for quite a while. Fourteen years to be exact.
Despite of all the sins I've committed, Allah still granted me with so many blessings in my life. I want a great husband who accepts me the way I am, and supports my dreams, Allah granted that. He flew Adam (my hubby) across the continent who proposed to me even without knowing how I looked like. I want to be a business woman. He granted that. I want to run and own a consultancy and language center, that's exactly what He gave me. Then, why oh, why couldn't I just do this simple command that He asked me? Why was it so difficult for me to just put a piece of cloth to cover my hair and my modesty?
Honestly, I really don't know the answer. I wasn't sure what's stopping me from doing so all these while. Maybe I have a subconscious fear that I would not look so nice, or maybe I was afraid that I would take it off again, or I given the sins I've committed, I wouldn't do the hijab justice, or I'm not good enough to wear it, in fact maybe I was afraid that I would tarnish the Muslimah brand and won't be able to represent it well.
Really, up till now, I still was't sure why? One thing I was sure back then is whatever happens, I always have Allah and somehow, some way He will always guide me and show me the way and I never once deny that covering yourself is a compulsory act commanded by Allah.I did not doubt that command nor question it. What I was questioning was my sincerity towards Him.
I wish I hadn't taken that long to put it back on. I wish I hadn't even take it off. I wish others would come to realization much sooner than I was. I wish, I could erase all those 14 years of sinning, I wish I had represented Islam better. I wish...
It was a very routine morning. I went to the office, sat at the table and began going through my schedule and plan for the day. I had Tots' class that day at noon. A week before, I met a trainer and a coach who introduced to us the the real meaning and the success principles behind the Surah Al-Fatihah. His name is Fazrul Ismail. He introduced to us the C.A.S.I.C (Connect, Acknowledge, Serve, Inquire & Choices) concept in Al-Fatihah. His sharing with us triggered my curiosity to learn more about it.That's what I did that morning. Something in me somehow made me go to the book rack and pulled out the book 'Tafsir & Fadhilat Al-Fatihah' by Dr Fatma El Zahra. I had it for quite sometime but I never read it, not even flip through it until that fateful morning.
IHDINASSIRATAL MUSTAQIM-Guide Us on the Straight Path
It's funny how we pray every single time, 5 times a day and we ask God 17 times daily to guide us to the straight path. That's what struck me that morning when I reached that verse. I've asked God all those years through Al-Fatihah to guide me. The funny thing is He did, very, very patiently I believe (when it comes to me) but I chose to turn away from those guidance. I chose to take it off when I was eighteen. So every time recited the Al-Fatihah I was asking Him to guide me, yet when He guided me, I didn't follow, so I thought, how much longer do I want to go astray? The path of lost, the path of His anger!
That morning I read the translation and the Tafsir. Somehow, I felt God's love and mercy. I did not feel His anger. I felt as if He was speaking and addressing me directly. I felt so sad thinking how I neglected His command, how I've ill treated myself, how all the answers I've been looking for is in Al-Fatihah, how ignorant I was despite all the education I received, how small I was. I cried, and cried and cried and cried. I just couldn't stop. Verse 1-7, 17 Times. This is the SECRET. The real SECRET of life.
Then, it was time to get ready for the class. I went up to change my clothes. I said to myself, I'll wear the hijab tomorrow. I looked in the mirror for the last time before going down to the class. That was the point when the voice inside me said,
'You've asked God for the right path, He guided you today and bring you back, why do you still want to disobey?'
It's true, he awakened me that day from my long, dark sleep. This cannot wait till tomorrow, I told myself. I ruffled through some scarves that I already own but never put on. Found one that I liked and immediately wrapped it around my head. For the first time in a long..... time, I felt free. I felt light. I felt liberated, and I felt strong. I felt like a heavy burden was lifted off me. I felt peace.
That day I quickly took a photo of myself to mark the first day of my 'new' look and posted it on FB. My purpose for doing so was to declare to the world, so that I won't go back to my old way, so that I won't back off from my decision. The tremendous support I received was amazing, even from my non Muslim friends! I thank Allah everyday for that extraordinary ordinary morning. The morning He took the time to speak to me. The morning, he brought me back to Siratal mustaqim..
Till then, stay true to your Muslim Style & Brand!
KD Ismalasari
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